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人间三月春意浓,踏青赏花学英语1、ORIGIN(起源)Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lords life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord s网站推广外贸ucceeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermits life with his mother in the mountains.


Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires网站推广外贸 in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jies death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.

晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带着老母出来谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源The "cold food" festival occurs on the eve 网站推广外贸of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the "cold food" festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember ones elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or anc网站推广外贸estral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation.



作为节日的清明节:一般翻译为"Tomb Sweeping festival"或者"Tomb-sweeping Day",扫墓节或扫墓日这个翻译着重强调了清明节的重要习俗“扫墓”另外再谈到作为节气的清明:。

它被译为"Clear and Bright",网站推广外贸清洁和明亮我们也不难发现,这种译法强调的是清明时节的气候状况,和其他节气的翻译出发点一致3、我们人耳熟能详的一首关于清明的诗就是:清明(杜牧)清明时节雨纷纷,。

路上行人欲断魂借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning DayThe mourners heart is going to break on his way。

Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?A cowherd points to a cot mid apricot flower网站推广外贸s4、A+国际教育的小编特意准备了。

全国各地和清明节有关的各种食物让大家见识见识,看的同时别忘了学习英文哦!口水时间到:▎Green rice ball 青团People in the Jiangnan region often eat this kind of greencolored balls made from glutinous rice on Tomb Sweeping Day. The green color isfrom the juice of brome grass that is added in the rice.


▎San zi 馓子In both Northern and Southern China, it is a tradition to eatsan zi, or fried dough twist, on Tomb Sweeping Day. The differences between sanzi made by Northern and Southern people lie in sizes and materials. The formerone is larger, often made from wheat and the latter 网站推广外贸is finer and made fromrice.


▎Thin pancake 薄饼People in Xiamen in Fujian province often have thin pancakes onTomb Sweeping Day. Dried seaweed, omelette, veggies and chili sauce are addedin the pancakes to enhance the flavor.


▎Spring onion and omelette 大葱和蛋饼On Tomb Sweeping Day, there is a tradition to eat spring onionand omelette in Qingdao in Shandong province. People believe these two kinds offood can improve eyesight and make eyes brighter. In old times, pupils oftensend eggs to 网站推广外贸their teachers to show respect on the day.


▎Cudweed herb rolls 清明果The best time to pick fresh cudweed herb is around Tomb SweepingDay. The herb is often added in veggie rolls or dumplings and consumed on theday. In South China,网站推广外贸 people add the wild plant also in steamed buns.


▎Zitui bun 子推馍The steamed bun is named after Jie Zitui, a famous hermit of theSpring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). Often each Zitun bun weighs 0.5kg andmany colorful dough animals a网站推广外贸nd flowers are decorated on the bun. Eggs andjujubes are added inside the bun to increase the sweetness. People in northernShaanxi province have the tradition to eat this kind of bun on Tomb SweepingDay.


▎Ai ban 艾粄To Hakka people in China, ai ban, rice dumplings made from wormwood and rice, is a necessary dish on Tomb Sweeping Day. They blend wormwoodpaste and glutinous rice powder together and add sesame, peanuts and black-eyedbeans. After steaming the dumplings for 15-20 minutes, the food is ready网站推广外贸.


5、清明节相关英文词汇day of sacrifice 祭祀节日offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供condolence 哀悼之情hell note/joss paper 纸钱

funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品mortician 殡仪业者burn incense 焚香tomb-sweeping 扫墓tomb sweeper 扫墓的人kite flying 放风筝

spring outing网站推广外贸 踏青gods lantern 神灯memorial tablet 纪念碑willow branches inserted on each gate 门旁插柳cremation urn 骨灰盒

mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式inhumation 土葬cremation 火葬sea-burial 海葬boat-coffin burial 船棺葬tree burial 树葬celestial burial 天葬

flower burials 花葬filial piety 孝顺 孝心6、清明节的英文例句为什么我们在清明节要扫墓啊?Why must we go and sweep the t网站推广外贸omb on Tomb Sweeping Day?

清明节的时候,我们去为忠烈扫墓In early April, we went to sweep the martyrs graves.你清明节有放假吗?Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival?。

清明节对中国人来说是一个很重要日子Tomb-sweeping day is an important day for chinese.写出了清明节的特殊气氛Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.。

随着时间的推移,寒食也为清明节所替代Over ti网站推广外贸me, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day.四月份的清明节期间,对原该县百姓开放It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April.。

清明节是扫墓拜祭先人的日子The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.据中国传统习俗,人们通常在清明节放风筝。

According to our traditions and customs网站推广外贸, flying kites usually happen at the QingMing Festival.清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。

Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.人们在清明节会怎样过?How do people celebrate Qingming Featival?

周一是中国传统的清明节,人们在这一天祭奠逝 去的亡灵Monday was Chinas traditional "Tomb-Sweeping Day", when people mourn theirdead.。

每年4月4-6网站推广外贸日左右的清明节是传统的扫墓的日子Qingming Day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on April 4-6 each year.。

随着清明节的到来,全国各地的人们都在怀念和哀悼逝去的亲友People around China commemorated deceased relatives and friends as theQingming Festival begins.。

A+国际教育祝各位度过一个愉快、轻松的假期 ,清明时节总是雨纷纷,大家出行注意安全!





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